March 15, 2015
Version control is an important concept in Software Engineering because deleloping software is an accumulative work and you need to properly manage all the files and their changes. With a good Version Control System (VCS), you can compare changes over time or revert the entire project back to a previous state. It facilitates collaboration within a group of people on the same project in different ways simultaneously.Git is a most popular VCS at present. The image below shows the commands that ...
February 11, 2015
Understanding PointersProgramming is concerned with manipulating data which is normally located in memory. Except using identifier to access data, in C++ programs there is another way to approach data which is based on its address in memory. In memory each variable has unique address. Pointer can store such memory addresss and the variable which the pointer refers to can be calculated and modified. Pointer itself is a kind of variable so can be refered to as well.With pointer you don’t need t...
June 22, 2014
Spark is a lightning-fast cluster computing technology. Its in-memory cluster computing feature increases the processing speed of an application. Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) is a fundamental data structure of Spark, which can be created in two ways: by referencing datasets in external storage and by applying transformations. Actions is performed when we want to work with the actual dataset. Remember that RDD is lazy, so nothing will be executed until a transformation or action is tri...